Details of Membership Services

Dexodus is a UK based independent organisation for those who have worked with Digital Equipment Company and who enjoy the benefits of social networking. Its members share the same common bond that linked DIGITAL employees – willingness to help each other without formality, and an openness of attitude.


Dexodus was formed in 1991, the first big year of DIGITAL redundancies, as a not for profit ’club’ for ex-Deccies seeking to re-establish their careers outside DIGITAL. Dexodus played an important role in maintaining and strengthening contacts between the members and assisted many to find new employment. Today, we have around 1000 members. Membership of Dexodus provides you an easy way of keeping in touch with old DEC friends. We also focus on pensions issues, liasing with the DIGITAL Plan Trustees and with HP who now support the DIGITAL Plan. The Association is run by a committee of volunteer members – to see the current committee members please click here.

What Member Services Does Dexodus Provide?

The Dexodus Newsletter, published four times a year, is distributed to members by email. The Newsletter sets out to entertain and inform. Each issue contains contributions from our members, humorous stories, travel tales, new experiences etc. The Dexodus committee provides articles on current pension topics, together with the latest Dexodus news. (Click here to see a sample Newsletter.) The majority of Dexodus members use email and the Internet. We depend heavily on this medium to distribute Newsletters, membership lists and general information. Our web site (you are visiting it now!) is arranged in two sections. The first, the public section tells the world that we are here, and invites ex-Deccies to join. The second section is the members-only section protected by username and password. This contains much useful information, including:

  • The membership list and search functions
  • An up to date list of member’s contact details
  • Copies of the Newsletter in Adobe PDF format
  • FAQs, Frequently Asked Questions about the Digital Pension Plan
  • Other member’s experiences of deciding when to take a deferred Digital pension
  • A members’ Forum with ‘In Memoriam’ section

Because Dexodus is not a registered Independent Financial Adviser, we are not allowed to give financial advice to our members. But you will find the member case histories valuable when you make your own decision. The Dexodus Annual General Meeting is held in March each year in the Reading area. The formal business of the AGM is rapidly concluded to allow the many members who attend to enjoy the cheese and wine and reminisce about the old days! Dexodus also supports local meetings of members. For example the annual North UK meeting in Manchester.

What Does it Cost to Join?

You can join as a life member for a single payment of £10. Please click on the link below to become a member.