HPE Office

HP Pension Help

HPPA (HP Pension Association) is an association of members whose aim is to foster the relationship between plan members, the trustees and the Hewlett-Packard company.   Membership is open to any member of any of the pension plans currently run by HP (Digital, HP, Compaq & EDS). This includes pensioners and prospective pensioners (whether they are still paying into a plan or not).

HPPA was formed after extensive research into the relationship between the HP pension plan members, the Company and the Trustees revealed that the development of better communications could yield positive benefits to all concerned. In particular it was recognised that encouraging pension plan members to take a much greater interest in the performance of the company, could result in the company responding by taking a much greater interest in them – and seeing them as assets in the business arena.  It is run by a committee of volunteers who are pension fund members and are independent of the trustees and the company. It is financed by voluntary contributions so there is no membership fee.
HPPA aims to:-

  • Bring benefits to HPPA Member
    • Such benefits will include preferential purchase arrangements for products and services from varied suppliers.
  • Have HPPA Members seen as assets
    • Both by HP and the communities with which pension plan members interact. To this end the Association will encourage and support the volunteering activities of members and facilitate making such efforts a beneficiary of the rewards available through the HP Volunteering and Reward Programs.
  • Build a strong and productive relationship with Pension Trustees and HP
    • The Association anticipates being a voice of Members in interaction with the Trustees and HP. We will also aim to be of assistance both to Trustees and Pension Arrangement Members in Member/Trustee relations.